To maintain the high quality of our software products, we have committed ourselves to abide by the following rules:
- Exclusive developer is NUMERICS.
- Sales and marketing are carried out by NUMERICS or qualified regional partners.
- The programs run on PCs under the currently available MS-Windows® operating systems.
- All programs use a uniform, easy-to-learn graphical user interface.
- The conceptual design with its functionality and the specifictaion of the implemented algorithms is carried out exclusively by the experienced experts of NUMERICS.
- The programs are extensively verified and validated by data known from open literature.
SPLIT-X is an expert system for the rapid design of fragmenting warheads, warhead design optimization and the analysis of the effects of blast-fragmenting warheads.
PS3D is a software tool that is designed to simulate and evaluate the penetration of deformable but non-eroding projectiles into a variety of targets like steel, sand or concrete.
FI-BLAST is a suite of software tools that support the rapid structural analysis of weapons' effects on vehicles, buildings or other structures. FI-BLAST determines the loads of blast and fragments from high explosive charges and creates time histories of stress boundary conditions applicable to the surfaces of finite element models of the investigated structures. Moreover, FI-BLAST can be used for direct analyses of fragment or single projectile effects and for the determination of safety ranges and hazard areas.
SPEED (Shock Physics Explicit Eulerian/Lagrangian Dynamics) is a multi-material Eulerian / Lagrangian hydrocode with explicit solver technique for the analysis of nonlinear transient problems of shock and impact physics in 2D and 3D.